Mar 25, 2020
Nonessential businesses must close in-person operations today by 5 p.m.
Vermont Gov. Philip B. Scott issued Addendum 6 to Executive Order 01-20 to require all nonessential organizations to suspend all in-person operations on Wednesday, March 25, by 5 p.m. Banks and related financial services are included as an essential business, and PIAVT has requested insurance agencies be explicitly considered an essential business. In Vermont, insurance is considered a financial service, and it is regulated by the Department of Financial Regulation.
The addendum does encourage essential businesses to continue to develop strategies to maximize available online and remote resources. They still must ensure social distancing, as advised by the CDC and Vermont Department of Health to the extent possible.
All Vermonters now are directed to stay at home as much as possible, and they should only leave for essential purposes, including necessary shopping, exercise and essential work.
PIAVT will continue to provide timely updates, including further information on this addendum to the executive order, on our Vermont coronavirus webpage. If you have further questions on this or other issues, please contact the PIA Industry Resource Center at resourcecenter@pia.org or by phone at (800) 424-4244.