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Coverage issues


Waiver of Subrogation endorsement
I have a request from an insured for a Waiver of Subrogation endorsement and when I sent it to the carrier they said they could not find an ISO......


New York’s Crime Victim Compensation Program
My elderly client had her car vandalized and she is having a tough time absorbing the $500 deductible. Is there any recourse under the New York......


NYPIUA offers DP-2 policy
Is it true that residential property owners can only get a basic-peril DP-1 policy from the New York Property Insurance Underwriting Association?...


Liability coverage for a license vs. a lease
Many of my New York City commercial clients are signing license agreements for commercial space. The agreements are called licenses, and not......


Unoccupancy and vacancy
I have several homeowners on Long Island who have been devastated by a severe storm. In one particular case, the structure is currently......


Who owns the engagement ring?
When a man gives a woman an engagement ring, who has an insurable interest in that ring and how should it be insured?...


‘Insuring’ cell phones
Are third-party representatives authorized to insure my clients’ phones?...


DP-3—vacant property
On a DP-3 form, are there any exclusions that apply to the liability coverage, with respect to a vacant property? We understand the property......


Flu outbreak coverage
Is there any type of insurance available that covers a business in the event of a widespread flu outbreak?...


Condo mortgagee requests to be additional insured
We often receive requests from the unit owner of a condo that their mortgagee wants to be added as an additional insured on the condo......


Coinsurance on a business income policy
What does the coinsurance value of 125% on a business policy mean?...


ISO stated amount endorsement
According to the terms of the ISO Stated Amount personal or commercial auto endorsement, can a claims settlement be less than the stated amount......


Additional Living Expenses coverage on a seasonal or secondary location
How does Additional Living Expense coverage react in the case where the loss occurs at a seasonal or secondary location?...


Damage from riots
Is damage from riots covered on a businessowners or property coverage policy?...


Business interruption—riots
Is there coverage for business interruption caused by rioting?...


Business interruption—curfew
Will business interruption coverage apply to income losses resulting from the orders of curfew?...


Vacancy vs. unoccupancy
Can you explain the difference between vacancy and unoccupancy?...