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Total loss
My insured’s car was declared a total loss following an accident. The company is paying the loss, but is refusing to take title of the......
Claim denial deadline
Our client has a business interruption claim arising from an incident that happened months ago. The company dragged its feet, then finally told......
Acceptance of claims check
Our insured’s car was hit when another driver ran a stop sign. The police report and a witness’ statement confirmed this, although the......
Reservation of rights
Could you please give some insight as to how to respond to and protect our insureds when a carrier sends a reservation of rights letter on a claim?...
Negotiated claims settlement
My client was involved in an automobile accident that was the complete fault of the other party. He has received a letter from the adjuster of the......
Backing into a garage door
While backing up, I ran into the garage door we just installed. Do I submit the claim to our auto or homeowners insurance carrier?...
Denial of homeowners claim for lack of building permits
Could an insurer deny a homeowners policy claim for damage caused by a condition in improvements made to the home for which the homeowner......
Umbrella policy—notice of claim requirements
My client had someone get injured on his property that initially resulted in a $1,500 reserve being placed on his commercial general liability......